Leveraging YouTube’s Powerful Ad Capabilities to Drive Success
YouTube Select enables brands to reach their audiences by leveraging an extensive library of relevant and brand-safe premium videos. In order to promote its luxury emulsion product, a paint brand leveraged YouTube advertising. Three videos, each of forty-five seconds, were created in order to target different regions and languages. The paint brand then made use of YouTube’s Instant Reserve feature. This tool allowed the brand to purchase inventory at a fixed cost per impression (CPM), reserving a targeted number of impressions right from the start of the YouTube video campaign.
The brand also used curated content lists known as YouTube Select lineups. These lists are packaged on the basis of the relevance and popularity of specific topics and moments. The paint brand and its YouTube ad agency used lineups for do-it-yourself, news, home decoration, and entertainment content. The campaign was able to show ads to twenty-six percent more YouTube viewers at the same cost. YouTube Select and Instant Reserve maximized the impact of the paint brand’s YouTube ad campaign within the budget allocated for the campaign.
In order to build brand awareness, a Fintech company decided to run a YouTube campaign that would let people know how to save a significant amount of money by making use of the last moment tax-saving strategies. To connect with a wide audience, the fintech company partnered with different financial creators catering to the needs of different audiences. Financial creators made YouTube videos that explained to viewers about taxation, ways to save money, and how investing with the fintech company’s app can help them save a lot of money on taxes.
The fintech company and its partner contextual ad agency also used a curated finance YouTube Select lineup. The company achieved a one-hundred percent share of voice across all YouTube videos related to finance, in the targeted region, by using the finance lineup. The campaign achieved more than two million views and more than eight thousand likes and comments, and significantly increased the search queries. By leveraging relevant content, and tools such as YouTube Select and Instant Reserve, brands and their partner YouTube marketing companies can drive excellent results through their YouTube campaigns.
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